Chi kung
Chi kung extends back more than 4000 years. It is a practice of aligning the breath, movement and awareness for exercise, healing and martial art training.
Chi is a form of living energy. Kung refers to the discipline of work, so Chi kung is the practice of working with the living energy of the body to promote health and balance.
Chi kung (or often written Qi gong) involves body movements (fast movements to increase energy and body strength and slow movements to calm and stretch the body), slow walks for balancing the body, standing/lying/sitting meditations (to slow the mind and centre the body, all combined with breath awareness to become present with the sensations of the body and state of the mind. This encourages mastery of the body and mind to enhance balance within the body and organs and peace within the mind. Practicing Chi kung can bring about more energy, better sleep, less stress and more ease within the body and mind.
Group Class
Angela teaches Chi kung weekly on Tuesdays at 7pm. You will discover how to access and work with the major channels and meridians of the body. Chi kung can enhance your health, balance your energy and calm mind in order for you to find peace and clarity.
60min classes are $20/class. Bookings are essential.
Please book below or text Angela on 0274510234 to confirm your place.